Daily Archives: April 20, 2018

to be completed

So, this is typing in the cooper library. I guess English will be fine for recording take-home information from lectures this morning.
Two points I want to note here are:
1) about math. The first speaker was from Iowa, and he is a statistician. It was interesting when I engross into his model, I somehow suddenly make sense of how define those letters used in the equation. Basically, the letter was used to represent different values. Or, before that, the “things”, which mathematicians paid attention on, could somehow be quantitatively identified. That’s how every single number, was trying to express.
The basic information we could get from those simplified world in mathematical universe is “existing or not”, then, “big or small”. Even a dynamic value, could be used as values of one representative changed during a specific range.
That might be the fundamental idea that math is always trying to tell us. However, that’s just an expectation of output from our virtual world. In math world, you may want to clarify the logical relations between numbers. Then math theories or methods came out.
mind game.

Second one was about a speaker who is a good scientist but not the best speaker. Although his oral is not attracting, people may even think it was boring. I almost fell asleep at the beginning. However, I noticed that there were some other professors, who were obviously more familiar with the topic than me, concentrating on the speaker very well. I felt shame because of my naive and ego(or maybe other words), then force myself to focus. I did it, and felt myself become better listener.

the third one was fantastic. I will definitely conclude more information letter. the vocabulary was attracting me very well at the beginning because I saw some familiar words recited recently. this enlighten me to think how those american people learn english and use those words pricously. Second is about the speaker’s open and broad mind on vital key hunting. It was a great thinking strategy to figure out a key to the potential problem which could be the most important point. She used a world map and conclude most important varities, but not take all of them, but just focus on part of it. (just trying to record first, and will edit this passage later.) Of course, she has her own phylosopy to narrow down the category. This part show me a good way to learn how to think.
The next part is fantastic to me because she clearly show me from how to do a scientific research from macroworld of phynotype to microworld on QTL then filter out the keys, and went back to check the macroworld characteristics.

All of these will be rethink again. And now it is the time to go back and continue the afternoon session.