想来,“记录” 这种行为只是存在于一瞬间。而被记录的事情和思想,也在那一瞬间后,连同着“记录”这个行为一起成为了过去时。纵使记录历史可以作为预判未来的基础参考,但,当能意识到这种预判价值时,自己或许又能够尝试着跳出预判所营造的框架界限,进行吸纳与思考。
2020.3.14 17:48 — Clemson Downtown Starbucks
嗨 你好,
Hi there,
Thank you for visiting. This is Max’s personal web. I’m recording some droplets of my life here。
There are lots of Maxes, well, this one looks like this:
The name is coming from his Last name and first letter of his first name.
He is taking PhD study in Clemson (2017 Spring), expecting to graduate 2018 May.
Like books, movies, musics; like literature, culture, and nature
Play basketball, guitar, not excellently but enjoy himself, may also help others as a minor role.
Clarifying his element, wish to study and practice laws with scientific, industrial, and social insights.
Wishes are as small as make self and closing people happy, as large as assisting human-being’s growth.
- Ma X., Agudelo P., Richards, V.P., and Baeza J.A.*. Genome sequencing survey of the phyto-parasitic nematode Hoplolaimus galeatus. PeerJ. 2022, doi: 10.7717/peerj.12749.
- Ma X.*, Baeza J.A., Richards, V.P., and Agudelo P.. First genomic resource of the Columbia lance nematode Hoplolaimus columbus. Phytopathology. 2021, doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-12-20-0536-A
- Ma X., Agudelo P., Richards, V.P., and Baeza J.A.*. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Columbia lance nematode, Hoplolaimus columbus, a major agricultural pathogen in North America. BMC Parasites and Vectors. 2020, 13, 1–13.
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- Holguin C., Ma X., Mueller J., and Agudelo P.*. Distribution of lance nematode species in soybean fields in South Carolina and North Carolina. Plant Disease. 2016, 100, 149–153.
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- Ni Y., Lü J., Rao K., Li Y., Ma X., Wang J., Chen J., and Zhao R.. Comparison of leptin and leptin receptor mRNA expression between pullets of different timing for sexual maturation. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University. 2008, 31, 153–157. (In Chinese)
- Ma X.. Progress of application research on microorganism laser-inducing breeding. Journal of Hebei Agricultural Science. 2008, 12, 75–77. (In Chinese)